The Yellow Cactus offers yellow blooms, approximately 2 to 3 inches in diameter. This cactus requires a lot of sun and dies well with good drainage soil. They have a very low water requirement, once every six weeks or when the soil has dried out. Over-watering will cause root rot to develop. |
Orange Miniature Orchid
Need Craig to write this one. |
Desert Rose
These are shrubby-tree type plants that have fleshy, bottle-shaped trunks. The bulbous trunks can be half or completely buried in the soil. They are unusual plant specimens that have beautiful flowers, making them quite the conversation piece. While desert roses are easy to grow, they don't do well outdoors if the temperatures fall below 59 degrees. Because they make excellent container plants, they do quite well inside homes and greenhouses. For this reason, they're popular to use as bonsai plants. |
Growing succulents and cactus is less work and more pleasure than most plants. Their fleshy leaves are able to store great quantities of water if you forget to tend them. The leathery foliage is rarely attacked by insects it is just too tough. Furthermore, if you do mistreat a plant, you will find it has tremendous recuperative powers. Good light is essential for the best growth of succulents and cactus. |
Century Plants
This unique plant has a tall, thin stalk from 10 to 14 feet high that grows from a thick basal rosette of gray-green leaves. The leaves are 10 to 18 inches long with long, sharp, terminal spines and shorter spines along the edges. The stalk can be up to 4 inches in diameter. Century plants take many years to flower, although not a century. Century Plants bloom only once in their life. The Century Plant provided Native Americans with a source of soap, food, fiber, medicine and weapons. |
Giant Cassia
The Cassia Flowering tree can grow into a shrub or a flowering tree, and the golden-yellow blooms appear in the Fall and Winter, and lighten up dark areas of any landscape. The brightly colored flowers of the Cassia tree attract many pollinator insects which in turn attract nesting birds. Cassia Flowering trees grow to 12 ft. tall with a sprawling growth habit, is deciduous with colors bright yellow with pea-like flowers in late Fall. |