Magnolia Tree
Make sure you have plenty of space to allow your magnolia tree to spread naturally. Plant them in full sun for optimum blooms. Water daily if you have well-drained soil, especially the first year. They don't like poor drainage. Mulch them to hold in moisture. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer every 3-4 weeks, preferably an acidic type of fertilizer for the first year or two when small. After a few years, give them granular fertilizer several times during the growing season. |
Red Cedar Tree
The red cedar tree requires full sun to grow well and prefers rich, moist, well-draining soils. It is, however, surprisingly adaptable and will even thrive on poor, gravelly soils. It appears to do equally well in acid or moderately alkaline soils. The plant can be pruned as needed. This tree offers a wide range of uses. It is most popular as a columnar tree for landscape planting, but is also excellent for hedges and screens, even for topiary. It is also quite tolerant of seashore conditions. |
Roebelenii Palm Tree
These dainty palms grow fronds with shiny, thin green leaf strips and provide a decidedly tropical appearance to a landscape. Their size and elegant look with year-round lush green foliage makes Roebelenii palm trees popular choices for residential and commercial gardens alike. Roebelenii palm trees are hearty, easy-to-grow and offer striking aesthetic value. Plant Roebelenii palm trees in a sunny location with direct exposure to the sun. Use a mix of soil rich in nutrients and composted organic matter. Water Roebelenii palm trees deeply and infrequently. Deep watering will help establish an extensive root system to provide sufficient nutrients to the palm tree during dry weather and between waterings. |